Join the Movement for Change
Volunteers make all the difference!
If you're interested in helping to bring the Women Empowering Change event to life, please volunteer and join us. Together, we can create a space showcasing incredible work of women leaders, activists, and supporters.
Volunteer task include:
Exhibitor Check - In
Event Registration Volunteers
Welcome Crew
Exhibitor Host
Hello/Info Desk
Want to join our team?
“Around the world there is steady pulse of women working passionately to create change,” says Cynda Collins Arsenault, Founder of Women Powering Change. “Women Powering Change 2024 will be designed to connect people who can share ideas across sectors, glean inspiration from one another’s stories, and connect resources.”
Volunteer and help us produce this amazing free event!
May 7th, 2025
McNichols Civic Center Building,
144 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80202
Street parking is available but limited.
We encourage you to carpool or take Lyft to the venue.
Parking available at :
the Denver Art Museum for $2/h or
Park & Lock Civic-Art Museum for $16 all day
Volunteers will have their parking fees refunded